Convalescent homes of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic, PRAGUE
(hereinafter also referred to as "hotel" or "landlord")
with its registered office at Na Květnici 1105/10, 140 00 Prague 4
IČO: 65997964
Steuernummer: CZ65997964
Represented by the director (statutory representative) Bc. Pavel Kraus
Conditions for concluding an accommodation contract
Accommodation of guests in the hotel Zotavovna VS ČR Prague is carried out on the basis of a contract on accommodation concluded in accordance with the provisions of § 2326 et seq. No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, on the basis of which the hotel (hereinafter referred to as the "landlord") provides the accommodated person with temporary accommodation for the agreed period or for the period resulting from the purpose of accommodation in the facility designated and accommodated (hereinafter also "guest") ) undertakes to pay the landlord for accommodation and services with associated with it within the period specified in these Accommodation Rules (hereinafter also referred to as the "contract").
The accommodation contract is always concluded in writing. TO compliance with the form requirement will suffice at least in writing confirmation of the reservation order or completion of the registration card
The rights and obligations of the contracting parties not expressly regulated by the accommodation contract are regulated by these Accommodation Rules and the price list of the landlord's services. If the accommodation contract stipulates something other than these accommodation rules and / or the landlord's price list, the accommodation contract shall apply.
If the accommodated person does not comply with the obligations arising from the accommodation contract and the enclosed accommodation regulations and / or the landlord's price list or otherwise violates good manners in hotel (hereinafter referred to as "mistake"), the landlord is entitled to terminate the accommodation contract before the expiration of the agreed period, even without notice, if the guest was notified of the mistake by the hotel in accordance with the provisions of § 2,331 of the Civil Code.
Conclusion of the contract, reservation
The accommodated is obliged to order accommodation at the landlord in in writing or make a reservation by phone and then confirm this in writing with the landlord. By written reservation resp. confirmation of a telephone reservation according to the previous sentence means an order made via the reservation form, email to the landlord's address or by post sent to the hotel and / or operator's address specified in header of these accommodation rules.
Payment of the price of accommodation in full takes place in at the time of termination of accommodation, unless otherwise specified.
TO the conclusion of the accommodation contract occurs at the moment of delivery of the written order or written confirmation of the reservation to the landlord or by filling in the guest's registration card.
Cancellation of the reservation, withdrawal from the contract before boarding the accommodation, no-show drawing accommodation
The guest is entitled to withdraw from the accommodation contract before the day of arrival accommodation, even without giving a reason. The guest is obliged to deliver a written notice of withdrawal from the accommodation provider contracts. The landlord is in in such a case he is entitled to charge the guest a cancellation fee, the amount of which will be calculated from the amount of the advance paid, the rate of the cancellation fee being determined as follows:
Time of delivery of the resignation to the landlord (in calendar days)
Cancellation fee rate (in%)
30 or more days before the scheduled start of accommodations
0% of the amount of the advance paid
14–1 days / day before the planned start of accommodations
50% of the amount of the advance paid
In case the guest does not show up at drawing accommodation within 24 hours after the agreed arrival to accommodation, the landlord is entitled to withdraw from the accommodation contract and at the same time is entitled to charge the guest a cancellation fee of 100% of the amount of the deposit paid. This does not apply if the customer about a later start of the stay of the landlord with in advance, but not later than 1 day before the scheduled arrival at accommodation, by telephone or in writing. The conditions set out in. Shall apply mutatis mutandis to the form of the notice Article 2, paragraph 2.1 of these Accommodation Rules.
Arrival to the hotel
The guest will report his arrival at the reception of the hotel / boarding house to an authorized employee.
At the reception, the guest presents his / her ID card, or passport or other proof of identity (eg authorization to stay), according to which the authorized employee of the accommodation provider verifies the identity of the guest. The guest confirms the accuracy of his personal data and the period of stay by signing the registration card or in accommodation book of the landlord.
Unless otherwise agreed, the accommodation of incoming guests takes place in time from 8.00 to 18.00
Upon boarding accommodation, the landlord is entitled to require the guest to present a payment or credit card as a guarantee of payment up to 100% of the estimated price for accommodation, from which the landlord is entitled to authorize payment in the appropriate amount covering the actual price for accommodation and other costs. connected with accommodation, possibly without the presence of a guest (off-line), k to which the guest gives his consent by providing his payment or credit card. After paying the additional payment for the accommodation, the landlord will issue a tax document to the guest confirming payment for the entire stay.
The landlord is entitled at the arrival of the guest to accommodation to require the guest to pay a cash deposit in the amount of 2000, - CZK for room. The deposit is refundable upon departure, in full amount resp. reduced under the conditions set out in Article 7 of these Accommodation Rules.
An authorized receptionist acquaints the guest with accommodation rules, no later than the day of arrival of the guest on accommodations.
The number of people in the room corresponds to the number of people registered for accommodation. The guest undertakes to announce their exact number at check-in.
The period of accommodation is agreed at the latest when accommodating the guest and is recorded in the accommodation book or on the registration card. The period of accommodation can be extended only with the consent of the landlord and must be substantiated by an entry in the accommodation book or on the registration card.
The accommodated hereby consents to the landlord with the processing and storage of his personal data, to the extent of the data provided, for the purpose of providing accommodation and registration of guests in within the meaning of Act No. 565/1990 Coll., on local fees and Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the stay of foreigners in the territory of the Czech Republic and on the amendment of certain acts. More detailed obligations of the guest and the landlord regarding keeping the record book resp. house books are set from above by that legislation.
General rules of accommodation
The guest has the right to use the space reserved for accommodation, as well as the common areas of the hotel / pension and use the services associated with accommodation.
Upon entering the accommodation, the guest will receive a key, respectively. magnetic or chip card, from the room and the entrance to the hotel / pension (hereinafter collectively referred to as "keys"). The guest is obliged to prevent the loss, destruction, damage of these keys, as well as the disclosure of keys to third parties who are not directly participants in the relevant accommodation contract, agreed between the guest and the landlord. Any penalties for loss, destruction, damage as well as access to keys according to the previous sentence are regulated in accommodation contract.
The guest is obliged to:
become acquainted with accommodation rules and comply with them;
pay the price for accommodation according to the valid price list;
properly use the premises intended for accommodation, maintain order and cleanliness in all areas intended for accommodations;
ensure compliance with cleanliness in premises intended for accommodations;
protect equipment equipment in premises intended for accommodation against damage;
immediately report any damage or injury caused by the guest or the person with accommodated in hotel premises caused by;
in from 22:00 to 07:00 behave in such a way as not to disturb other persons with excessive noise;
when leaving rooms close in room water taps, turn off the lights, turn off the electrical appliances that are in time of absence of the guest do not use, and close the windows;
when leaving the hotel to hand over the room key at the reception
The guest may not without the consent of the landlord:
make substantial changes to premises intended for accommodation (moving furniture, relocating equipment, etc.);
remove any equipment and facilities from space intended for accommodations;
use in premises intended for accommodation of own appliances except small appliances used by the guest for personal hygiene and office work;
leave the premises designated for accommodation for another person;
receive visits in premises intended for accommodations; Visits must be duly recorded in the guestbook or reported to the receptionist and are only possible in time from 9.00 to 21.00 with the consent of the landlord; guests can only receive visits in the common areas of the hotel;
state house address with spaces intended for accommodation as a place of business;
place in hotel premises animals. At the request of the accommodation provider's staff, the owner of the animal is obliged to prove the sound condition of the animal by presenting a valid vaccination card.
Guest further in premises intended for accommodation may not:
carry weapons, ammunition and explosives or otherwise keep them in a condition for their immediate use;
possessing, producing or storing narcotic or psychotropic substances or poisons, other than medicines the use of which has been prescribed by a doctor;
smoke; this does not apply in in the case of smoking areas and visibly marked with the appropriate symbol;
use open fire
Liability of the landlord for the things of the accommodated
If the guest requests, the landlord will take funds, jewelry or other valuables from him. The hotel has the right to refuse to take things in custody in terms of dangerous goods or the value and scope disproportionate to the accommodation. These are mainly funds or things (eg jewelery and other valuables), the value of which exceeds the amount of CZK 10,000. The landlord requires that things be handed over to him for safekeeping in closed or sealed box.
The request for compensation for damage caused to the belongings of the accommodated person can be notified only within 15 days after damage detection. Damage will not be reimbursed if the damage to the item was caused by the guest himself or the person accompanying him.
If the guest leaves his / her belongings in the room after the end of the stay and the accommodation is not paid, the landlord will move the guest's belongings from rooms and store them in a safe place to prevent damage. After paying the debts for accommodation and storage, the landlord will release the stored items to the guest.
Safety, guest's liability for damage
The guest is obliged to get acquainted with safety rules and evacuation plan in in case of fire. This plan can be found in each hotel room and inspection at the relevant employee at the reception.
The guest acts in such a way that there is no unjustified harm to the liberty, life, health or property of another.
If the guest causes damage to the property of the accommodation provider, the damage will be reimbursed from the deposit according to Article 4, paragraph 4.5 of the Accommodation Rules. If the damage is higher than the deposit, the guest is obliged to pay this difference to the landlord.
The landlord's liability for damage to deferred items is governed by the provisions of § 2945 et seq. Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code.
The landlord's liability for damage to items brought in is limited to 10 times the price of accommodation in one day. IN others are governed by the provisions of § 2946 et seq. Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code.
The landlord does not operate a guarded parking lot and is not liable for damage caused to vehicles and things in left to them, unless it is expressly stated by the landlord that he has taken such things into custody.
Departure from the hotel
The guest is obliged to leave the room where he is staying by 9.00 am
The guest locks the room and leaves the keys at the hotel reception, unless otherwise agreed.
These Accommodation Rules entered in validity and effectiveness on 11.5.2016.